Τρίτη 11 Ιουνίου 2024
Press Releases


EUROCERT, after a successful evaluation, certified AEGEAN AIRLINES according to the International Standards ISO 31000:2018 - Risk Management, ISO 37000:2021 - Governance of Organizations, and ISO 37001:2016 - Antibribery Management System.

AEGEAN AIRLINES has received a total of 13 awards as the "Best Regional Airline in Europe" and also ranked 2nd in the category of "Best Regional Airline Worldwide," transporting over 15 million passengers annually. Its collaboration with EUROCERT signifies the recognition of its continuous improvement and development.

ISO 31000 - Risk Management provides guidelines, a framework, and processes for risk management. It is a useful tool for achieving a company's objectives, identifying opportunities and threats, and effectively allocating resources to address risks.

ISO 37000 - Governance of Organizations is a comprehensive manual with principles and key aspects of guidance practices for the governing bodies and management teams on how to fulfill their responsibilities. It is also intended for stakeholders involved in or affected by the Enterprise and its governance.

ISO 37001 - Antibribery Management System provides the requirements for implementing, maintaining, and improving an anti-bribery system within an enterprise, promoting an ethical business philosophy. It includes measures and controls based on good practices and aims to cultivate a corporate culture against bribery.